Back in 1941, Japan established a day to commemorate the voyage of the Meiji Emperor aboard the Meiji-Maru iron steamship. This day was known as Marine Memorial Day, or Umi No Kinen Bi. In 1996, this day was turned into a general celebration of the ocean. Its name was changed to Umi No Hi, or Ocean Day, and the Japanese government declared it a national holiday.
Umi No Hi is celebrated on the third Monday of July. On this day, the Japanese people will recognize the ocean and its bounty by spending a day at the beach, or participating in the many ocean-themed festivities that are held on the occasion. Since the sea has also always been the country’s most important source of food, many will also mark the occasion by indulging in some of their favorite fish-based dishes.
If you, too, appreciate the more delicious offerings of the sea, come and celebrate for yourself with our Japanese restaurant in Lynnwood! There’s nothing quite like a quality sushi meal to remind yourself of how important the ocean is to all of us.